My Dearest Madea

The strongest woman I know. What a Blessing to have been a part of my life all those years. Of all the angels could have sent he knew you were the best person for this job. Some time has passed since i last laid eyes on your beautiful face, but your image Is just as vivid in my mind as the last time I saw you. Your smile as bright as the sun while you Visibly chew gum. We lived too far south to even be considered proper but "Hey Honey you exclaimed, now you doing Very well Madea. how you doing I'm fine fine, I'm so glad to see you. Oh before I forget please ask Aunt Betty to read this for you. Hello Auntie, It's been a long time. Thanks for reading my letter to Madea I Love You!

"What do you know you're just a child" was the saying. "It'll all make sense when you get older" is the other one. It did I found a Federal Census from 1930 when you were 1 year old. It appears you were born on a Plantation. I can only imagine how hard life was for you growing up then. What's crazy is that as hard as life was for us you couldn't tell by your attitude, I believe this is the first sign of your Strength. I didn't recognize it then, but I know now. Never mind the army of kids you gave life, grandkids. great grandkids and so on you helped raise. All with a great attitude,
resilience and unconditional love.

Tough love. Just know the rod will not be spared. It's best you find your way home before the street lights come on. Do as you're told. Listen when grown folks talking. A llfe lesson that has kept me out of trouble bit this day.
There's no ending to these story but if I could say one last thing it'll be about your Faith. Faith just happens to be an attitude and we're right back where we started, For someone who couldn't read, you sure knew that Bible front to back I remember reading to you while you recited every word along with me.